Exercise. What exactly is the meaning of exercise? Generally speaking, exercise is any work or activity involving mental or physical effort done to achieve a purpose or result that will enhance our physical and mental health. Exercise improves the health of our hearts (cardiovascular). Exercise pushes the heart and vascular systems; therefore, it increases the heart’s ability to pump blood and distribute oxygen to the tissues of the body, including the lungs and memory. It also reduces the risk of chronic diseases and offers other benefits.
Types of Exercises
There are exercises we do daily that are not planned, such as walking to the shops, washing the car, vacuuming the carpets, cooking, gardening, walking the dog, etc. There are also exercises we do every day or every other day that are intentional or planned. For example, going for a walk every day, doing yoga, joining in a group workout, or walking your dog. Please click here for blog on walking: https://eea-marketing.com/blog/walking/
Engaging in physical exercise significantly improves our health and quality of life. If you aim to feel better and live longer, making your exercise a habit is a wise choice. Beyond the physical benefits, exercise also boosts mental well-being. When you work out, your body releases endorphins and dopamine—neurotransmitters that promote a sense of happiness and uplift your mood. It’s that invigorating feeling of positivity and contentment.
- Weight Maintenance
The more one exercises, the more one burns off calories, so you can reduce your body weight through regular exercises and, consequently, maintain your weight loss. You reap the most benefit if you try and maintain your exercise regime consistently.
- Exercise is key to better health and combating diseases
From heart disease to high blood pressure, exercise helps boost HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, which decreases your risk of cardiovascular diseases. Regular exercise aids in the prevention and management of many health issues, including the following:
- ETC.
- Exercise improves your self-esteem and mood.
The stimulation of various brain chemicals leads to a feeling of being happy and less stressed. A good bout of exercise can make you more relaxed and less anxious, making you feel better about yourself and your appearance.
Energy, Sleep and Sex
- Exercise Boosts Energy Levels
Cardiovascular endurance and muscle strength come from your regular exercise regime. By exercising, you improve your lungs to breathe properly, which boosts oxygen and nutrient delivery to your body tissues, giving you more energy to live daily.
- Sleep Well
By exercising regularly, you tend to fall asleep faster and obtain better and deeper sleep than most people. Don’t exercise too close to bedtime, or you may struggle to get sleep early. You might still be too energized or hyped up to fall off easily.
- Get Your Groove Back On
Regular exercise can vastly improve your sexual relationship and intimacy with your partner. Sometimes you just feel down and out. So, you choose not to engage. But soon after exercising, you get that energy and intimacy feeling back. Regular exercise can boost your testosterone level, boost your confidence, and boost your sexual life.
It is generally known that men who exercise regularly have less erectile dysfunction than men who don’t, so jump on the bandwagon as soon as possible. Less testosterone can lead to decreased libido, so your desire for sex also decreases. Most middle-aged to older folks need testosterone supplements as natural production declines as we grow older.
- Fun Social Event
You can join any group with a shared interest in a particular type of exercise and just have fun participating. It can be a bicycle, football, or swimming club. Enjoy the health advantages of exercise while having fun outside at any sports club that catches your eye. See it as an enjoyable social event to meet new friends and engage them in other matters about the family and work.
Here are some exercises and physical activities as recommended by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:
Aerobic and Strength Training
Try to get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity a week, or combine them. It should be spread throughout the week. For your maximum health benefit from weight loss or maintaining weight loss, you will need at least 300 minutes a week. Even short periods of activity throughout the day can reap some health benefits. You can also opt for a mini stepper like the one below.

Brisk walking, biking, swimming, and lawn mowing (the walking-not-driving type) are examples of moderate exercise. Running and aerobic dancing are examples of vigorous exercise.
Try and do strength training exercises for all the major muscle groups at least twice a week. Any resistance exercise that stretches and contracts the muscles, with or without weights, to make the muscles tired after about 12 to 15 repetitions will be good for your muscle strength. You can also opt for home gym exercise equipment like the one below.

Nuts and seeds are highly nutritious and make an excellent on-the-go snack if you’re short on time after your workout. They contain protein for muscle recovery, vital omega-3 fatty acids to combat inflammation, minerals for hydration, and zinc to promote immunity. A healthy handful of nuts is ideal for sprinkling on cereal, salads, and smoothies. Read more: https://www.sanitarium.com/au/health-nutrition/nutrition/5-foods-to-speed-up-your-workout-recovery
Sports drinks are water-based, flavored beverages that are designed to be superior to drinking water. They can be ingested before or during exercise to reduce dehydration. They include substantial levels of electrolytes such as sodium, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Their contents help restore what is lost after a rigorous exertion, specifically water, energy (glucose), sodium, and potassium. Numerous studies have shown that conventional sports beverages can improve physical performance and extend the amount of time an athlete can perform or compete before becoming exhausted.
Walking is a cardiovascular exercise that strengthens the heart and burns calories. Moreover, you can do it anywhere at any time with no equipment. Just your pair of sports shoes. You can start with 5 to 10 minutes a session and gradually increase your time to 30 minutes or more.
Squats are strength training exercises that target multiple muscle groups: quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteals.
Push-ups can strengthen your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core trunk muscles at once. Start from, say, 5 repetitions to 15 and above as you get better and stronger over time. Try to keep the torso stable or back straight, and use the hands (elbows) to lift the body and drop slowly to get the full effect.
If you desire flat abs, you should include crunches as part of your exercise regime. Crunches target your abdominal muscles, period. Lying on your back with feet flat on the floor or knees up, use your fingers to support your head. Tuck your chin in slightly and contract your abdominals as you lift your shoulders and upper back from the floor to about 30-45 degrees and back to the floor slowly. Don’t hold your breath, and keep your elbows out of your line of vision to keep your chest and shoulders open.
Biking is an aerobic activity; it can be moderate or vigorous, depending on how you want to do it. In addition, it is fun any way you want it. Just enjoy the great outdoors and breathe in the fresh air, especially if you do it in the early mornings. Whether you use a racing or mountain bike, it still benefits your cardiovascular fitness. Please make sure you bike on safer roads or off-roads and get proper biking gear, including a helmet.
If you’re new to exercise, consider seeking guidance from a fitness trainer to find routines that suit you best. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, it’s important to consult your doctor before starting any intense workouts. Additionally, if you’re over 40, avoid pushing yourself as if you were in your 20s—your body has different limits. Choose exercises that are appropriate for your age and condition. Do not overexert yourself, as that could lead to injury.
During exercise, focus on breathing deeply to maximize your oxygen intake. If breathing through your nose isn’t sufficient, breathe through your mouth to fully expand your lungs. This will help you sustain your energy and push further with ease. Wish you success. Keep moving and stay committed to your fitness journey!
Thanks Jaquelin, much apprecaited.